Fetal Medicine
The Fetal Medicine Unit at Welcare Hospital provides most effective care in Pregnancy Screening, necessary for monitoring the condition of the developing Fetus. Our aim is to provide Diagnostic and Therapeutic services to Pregnant Women with previous history of Maternal & Fetal complications, as well as for women who require Fetal Interventions, due to problems with the present Pregnancy. We have well qualified Medical Professionals with expertise in Fetal Medicine and Imaging. Our centre offers an entire range of services including Specialized Fetal Scans, Intrauterine Procedures, Genetic Services and Counseling for Complicated Pregnancies. Advanced Technology with the latest High-end Machines, combined with skilled Professionals makes our Centre Unique.
Services Offered
Specialized Fetal Ultrasound
- NT Scan + Aneuploidy risk calculation + Pre-eclampsia, Screening + FGR screening (11 to 13 + 6 weeks)
- Targeted Imaging for Fetal Anomalies (TIFFA) + Genetic sonogram (20- 24 weeks)
- 3D/4D Imaging
- Fetal Echocardiography
- Fetal Neurosonogram
- Fetal Skeletal system Screening
- Twins & Multifetal Pregnancy, it’s Diagnosis, Monitoring & Counseling
- Prediction & Prevention of Preterm Labour
- Fetal Growth with wellbeing scan & Doppler Study with Placental localization.
Prenatal Invasive Diagnostic Procedures
- Amniocentesis
- Chorionic Villus sampling
- Fetal Blood sampling
- Placental Biopsy
For Screen Positive Couples – Double marker, Triple marker, Quadruple Marker, NIPT Positive, Previous affected Child, Family history of Genetic Disorders
Prenatal Therapeutic Procedures
- Minimally Invasive Treatment for Ectopic pregnancy
- Amnioinfusion
- Amnioreduction
- Cyst Aspiration
- Fetal Bladder Drainage
- Fetal Pleurocentesis /Pleural Tapping
- Intrauterine Drug Administration
Prenatal Screening (Fetal Health check-up, Non-Invasive Prenatal testing, Combined Screening test, Quadruple Marker, other Biochemical Screening)
Fetal Medicine Outpatient Clinic
High Risk Pregnancy Consultation
Pre-pregnancy Counseling & Genetic Testing
- Prenatal diagnosis of Genetic Diseases and Carrier screening in couples.
- History of Genetic abnormality in the family.
- Previous Child with Genetic/Structural Disorders.
- Maternal Medical Disorders especially DM, HTN, Heart diseases, Autoimmune disorders etc.
- Prolonged Drug intake for any medical disorders
Our Consultant

Dr.Dona Sebastian
MBBS, M.S. OBG & GYN - MOSC Medical College,
Consultant – Fetal Medicine